Typical Day + Activities


Rise and Shine

7:40 / Morning Watch

This is a chance for campers to greet the day together through song, prayer and stories. 

8:00 / Breakfast

Chores and Clean up
Campers and counselors share in the work of the camp by taking turns helping with dishes, cleaning their cabins or washrooms, or picking up litter around the site. Campers learn to work together and take responsibility for the camp.

9:30 / Spritual Care Time

SCT is a daily opportunity to learn about kindness, generosity, environmental stewardship and more. Through a Christian context social issues, biblical stories and human values are explored in fun and interactive ways. Campers should not be worried if they do not have a Christian background. 

10:15 / Activity 1

Activities will vary from day to day, but could include Nature Hikes or Low ropes activities (team building games). 

11:00 / Activity 2

Activities will vary from day to day, but could include archery or crafts.

12:00 / Lunch

1:00 / F.O.B. (Quiet, restful time)

Campers can read, nap, make friendship bracelets or do quiet activities in their cabins.

2:00 / Activity 3

Activities will vary from day to day, but could include Canoeing or Orienteering.

3:00 / Tuck (mid-afternoon snack)

3:15 / Activity 4

Activities will vary from day to day, but could include gaga ball or a pond study.

4:15 / Activity 5

Activities will vary from day to day, but could include Swimming or a visit to the Tree House.

5:30 / Supper

Wide Games

Wide games are active games that involve the entire camp and are usually very active. Wide games are different depending on age, and often require teams to use strategy and cooperation to achieve the games objectives. Camp favourites include: Parachute games, Ultimate Frisbee, Predator and Prey, Hats, Gold Rush, Capture the Flag.

8:00 / Mug up (evening snack)


Vespers is an informal evening worship held every night. It is usually held on vesper hill, which overlooks Last Mountain Lake and the beautiful surroundings at camp. This service is planned and carried out by campers and counsellors working together. The theme of the evening's vespers draws upon the theme of that day's Spiritual Care Time and other daily experiences.


Campfire is the time in the evening where all the campers, counsellors and staff come together to have a good time around the fire, through singing, skits, and stories. This is a favourite of campers.

Lights out

Other notable activities:

Overnight Out Tripping

Each week campers are given the opportunity to go on an overnight out trip to one of the camps several campout sites. Campers cook over an open fire and sleep under the stars or in tents.

Special Events - Theme Days - Theme Meals - Beach Day

The entire camp is involved in special events and these have proved to be favourite activities for campers. Talent shows, banana relays, carnivals, mini-Olympics, gigantic treasure hunts are just a few of the theme day activities at camp where campers enjoy activities and games prepared by the counsellors. Theme meals include singing meals, feed a friend meals, pajamas breakfasts and more. On Beach Day the entire camp goes to the nearby Lumsden Beach Village beach. There they participate in games, swimming, crafts and enjoy refreshing watermelon.

Formal Dinner and Dance

A longstanding camp tradition, a formal dinner is hosted by the counselors for the campers at Junior and Senior Teen. Everyone dresses up for the occasion and enjoys a fancy meal. Usually following the dinner is a dance. The campers have time to hang out with all their new friends and dance to their favourite music.